Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Open House brings in people with JOINT PAIN!

Joint pain was the topic with Dr. Benjamin Chu, Orthopedic Surgeon, and Robert Babb, PT, MBA at our Lunch and learn on October 5th.

Mayor Andy Szekely recieved a "Fit for Duty" status, with a body fat, grip test, and flexibility test all above average for his age group.

Landale Boys and Girls Club recieved a donation from PTW, in honor of their commitment to keeping the kids healthy.

Dr. Art Donley spoke on Runners "E.X.P.E.R.T" running ideas, and the group was treated to complimentary lunch and dinner.

A one year membership, a Nano Ipod player, and massage gift certificates were awarded as door prizes.

Overall, a GREAT DAY AT PTW Lansdale!