Its not over!
You'll wake up sometime in the next two weeks, and say to yourself, "I am still here, the world hasn't ended, Its not over". Your plug in your gadget to listen to some Rolling Stones or Bruce Springsteen, then, grab your coffee, drive to work, do your stuff, come home, spend time with loved ones, and do it all over again. Good chance this will continue for many decades to come.
Regardless, to see if the world does end someday, you will need to take care of those ol creeky joints at a place that can help. Joint Pain can cause dysfunction, get to an authority on functional movement and the musculoskeletal system before you lose function.
Consider PTW for your neck, back, or joint pain needs, before or after surgery, before or after injury. We are always there to servce, early morning and evening hours in 5 locations.
See more on us at
Happy Holidays!