Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Your Rights to Move Forward

With the snow coming down again, 
we have been receiving many calls about getting back to PTW for joint or spine pain. 
Here are your rights.....
AT PTW, you can exercise...........your rights!
1.  Exercise your right to choose your own physical therapy provider.     
You have to go somewhere else for Physical Therapy?   
You may have been told you have to go to therapy at your doctors office, at your chiropractors office, or where your work wants you to.  
If you want to come to PTW, chances are, you can.
Participating in over 375 insurance plans helps us stay connected to providers and to the patients that need our care.  Call us, we call them, and we call you back to let you know of your benefits at PTW.
2.  Exercise your right to choose Physical Therapy first!
Injured in the past?  
You can return to the PTW your familiar with, and don’t need another prescription!
If you have experienced similar pain to the same joint, or area of the spine, you can come to PTW without incurring the costs of return doctor visits, the costs of time waiting for the doctor to see you, or even the costs associated with further diagnostic testing that may reveal nothing new.
PTW has earned the privilege of providing care to our customers for the first 30 days without having to see a doctor first, and there is no prescription required.  After your fist visit with us, we communicate with your doctor, saving you time and money. 
Exercise your insurance right, you work hard for it.
Call us at 215 855 9871 for more information, questions, or to schedule an appointment.