Saturday, July 27, 2019

Back Pain Removed, Lifestyles Improved!

8 out of 10 of you get it, most of you get better, and all of you need to pay attention to what to do when you get it!
Low back pain, debilitating for some, others an inconvenience. 
80% or more get some back pain, affecting activities, participation and lifestyle. 
Less than 20% of you that do get back pain go to treatment for it.  
Get to PT with onset of LBP, recovery is faster.  In addition, LBP sufferers learn movements, ergonomics, home management, exercises, and lifestyle changes. 
Below is more numbers from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) regarding low back pain. 
Call our central scheduling line today for an evaluation and treatment from any of our expert clinicians in any of our 9 locations. 
(215) 855 9871
